UCLA Anderson School of Management

Craig Fox, PhD is Harold Williams Professor of Management, and also Professor
of Psychology and Medicine at UCLA. He is chair and co-founder of the Behavioral Decision Making Area at the UCLA Anderson School of Management.
Dr. Fox’s award-winning research investigates behavior under risk, uncertainty,
and ambiguity, using a combination of methods that include surveys,
laboratory and field experiments, analysis of archival data, and brain imaging.
He also applies insights from behavioral economics and social psychology
to improve health and financial decisions. This work has been funded by the
National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the
Templeton Foundation, among others. His scientific manuscripts have been
published in leading journals of psychology, economics, management,
neuroscience, medicine, law, and general science. He has also contributed
popular treatments of his work to such outlets as the New York Times
and Harvard Business Review.
Professor Fox has taught courses at the MBA, Executive, and Ph.D. levels on decision making, strategy, negotiation, leadership, and dynamic management. He has been at UCLA since 2003, following six years at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business where he was named the 2001 “Outstanding Faculty Member”. Fox has also taught courses at Stanford, Northwestern, and Columbia Universities as well as Koç University (Istanbul) and the Australian Graduate School of Management (Sydney). He has been a visiting scholar at NYU, Columbia University, The Hebrew University, and the University of Mannheim.
Dr. Fox is founding co-editor of the journal Behavioral Science & Policy and co-President of the Behavioral Science & Policy Association. He is former President of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making and is a Fellow of the American Psychological Society.
Fox earned his B.A. in Psychology and Economics from the University of California at Berkeley, where he was mentored by Daniel Kahneman, and he earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Stanford University, where he was mentored by Amos Tversky.